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ISB Riffa Campus celebrates Yoga Day

With the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’ the 8th International Yoga Day was observed in the Indian School Bahrain(ISB) Riffa Campus on Tuesday. One of the highlights this year was ‘The Guardian Ring’, which underlined ‘One Sun, One Earth’ concept and showcased the unifying power of Yoga. The event was led by visiting yoga expert Rudresh Kumar Singh from the Indian Embassy. The primary section planned and organised activities for the International Yoga Day well in advance. Following the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’, students enjoyed simple exercises and breathing techniques which are known to condition the mind and body. The activities were conducted in small groups across various departments. Students were counselled on the importance of exercise, healthy food and a disciplined routine all of which are essential aspects for a successful and active student life. Emphasising the importance of Yoga, ISB Hon. Chairman Prince S Natarajan said in a message: "These yoga poses if practised with consistency will improve the child’s wellness and help them in achieving physical, mental, and spiritual stability.” "Yoga is a treasure that has been inherited and must now be imparted for the benefit and welfare of future generations to come", said ISB Hon. Secretary Saji Antony. ‘Ever since its launch, ISB has ensured yoga to be an integral part of the physical activity of class routine as it is recognised as the essence of health and wellness for all ages', said Riffa Campus Principal Pamela Xavier. The Indian School Kingdom of Bahrain

Yoga Day 2022 RIFFA


The Indian School is a CBSE affiliated school located in Bahrain. It was founded in the year 1950. The Indian School, Bahrain has around 12,000 students and is one of the largest co-ed schools in the Gulf.